The AWS Record
The AWS Record!
Do you think your American Water Spaniel holds The Record? Tell us about it!
Bring in the ‘deets and it’ll stand – until it falls!! At any time The Record can be challenged! The only catch – the Challenger has to follow the exact same rules as the Record Setter. No ya-buts. Nope. None. 😉 Has to be exactly the same.
- Have the most obedience HIT’s in American Water Spaniel history? Provide the dates and scores, you set the bar – let’s see if anyone can beat it!
- Have the most points in a single performance event? Sounds AWSome!
- Oldest or Youngest American Water Spaniel to earn a (YouNameIt) title? Alright!
- Fastest landspeed clocked at a dog fair? American Water Spaniels sure are fast!
- Hunters! You set the parameters! Game, number of hunters, location, time period.
- Counter Surfer Extraordinaire! A loaf of bread? Entire sammich? The whole roast? American Water Spaniels are hungry!
- American Water Spaniels are known for some fun hairdo’s – but who has the longest, craziest topknot?!
- Dirtiest, rottenest thief! Stole what?! from where!?
- AWS-shred destroyed what?
And if it’s not exactly the same…then it just might be – A brand NEW Record!!!
Disclaimer – The Record has to have some means to be verified and/or be reproduced. Challenges and more subjective records may be decided by an online vote. Sometimes The Record is going to also be an AWS First, and that’s just extra AWSome!